In the mean time when you will prepare for creating content to get your account approved you can still earn money. i have the solution. A lot of people may get discouraged by writing for 6 months without any payment. To solve this problem you can use the following site:
Triond: Triond is a revenue sharing website which can pay you without google adsense account. You can earn money from the other advertising program without any account. You just have to open an account in triond and then submit genuine article. Triond at the beginning may take 12 hour time to verify your article and then will post the content to their site according to the category of your articles. Do you have the question what is category? Triond doesn't post articles to rather it hosts many site for publishing. For example, for categories like computers health ,business lifestyle etc they have different site. They will submit your article according to the category. This procedure helps to bring better traffic. You can earn money from the other advertising program (example chitka) according to your page impression. Triond will pay you directly to your paypal account. You can also integrate with adsense after writing 5 articles. Then you will get 50% revenue from adsense and also from the other advertising affiliate. The only bad thing of triond is your article will look messy because you can't edit them according to you wish . In my opinion hubpage is much better website when you have approved adsense account but when you don't have adsense account you should definitely go for triond.Factoidz: A very good revenue sharing site which will pay 1 to 5 dollars for per 1000 page views. you will also get activity bonus for your activities. you must need to get approved before you start posting. This site is really legit
Wikinut: Wikinut is another good site for earning some pocket money. Here you can write small articles to earn revenues. They will pay you 50% revenues to your paypal account. You won't need any adsnese account. The minimum payout is 5 pounds only.
Experts column: Expert column is a new good site which shares it's advertising revenues for per page impressions. It will pay you to your paypal account
Helium: You can start earning money by writing in helium. But it will take lot effort to do so. You have to get good ranking to earn some money.
Suite101: You can start earning money from writing in suite101 but it will pay you very less then what you deserve.
Ehow: Ehow is good site which makes readers understand something by a specific instruction list. This website hire freelance writers for writing good articles. You can apply for ehow by submitting an original article of your own. Once you get approved you are ready to start on Ehow.
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